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13. 2. 2013


Hodiny a hodiny a hodiny som vyberala tú pravú. Pokrčím text piesne do guľôčky a odhodím ho do rohu. To čo sa teraz chystám urobiť budem určite ľutovať. Nikto mi nepovedal, že vstup bude povolený aj novinárom. Ja toho Billa zabijem. Ale dala som sa na to nahovoriť, nemôžem cúvnuť. Som tu.
Oblečená v hodvábnych ružových šatách s nahým chrbtom sedím na stoličke na pódiu za zatiahnutou oponou. Vystretá ako pravítko. V ruke mikrofón. V hrudi divoko bijúce srdce. V nohách triaška, ešteže sedím. Chrbtom k publiku, to je moja hranica. Maximum, po ktoré som bola ochotná zájsť.
Teraz mi tá hranica pripadá ako najväčšia trúfalosť na svete. Mala som všetkých päť pokope, keď som s tým súhlasila? Stavím sa, že ak by ma prezrel lekár, žasol by, že som pri takom krvnom tlaku ešte neupadla do klinickej smrti.
Do uší sa mi dostanú úvodné tóny, opona sa roztiahne a moje sólo sa blíži. Nedovolím si pohnúť jedinou brvou, som ako ochromená. Neviem čo sa mi deje za chrbtom, čumím do holej steny a na zátylku mám mrazivú husiu kožu. Prichádza čas na spev. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Sklopím oči a vžijem sa do svojej roly.
„You're like a child within
The one who just won't give in
Oh how you love to play.
I wanna understand
I wanna do all I can
I wanna make you stay.“
Začujem slabé ujúkanie a pár rúk zatlieska. Posmelí ma to.
„Where will I find you?
Next time I lose you
I'm just a fool for your touch.
Cross my heart
I wanna love you
How can I love you
If you keep running away?“
Diváci sú nevyspytateľní. Teraz pre zmenu nastáva absolútne ticho, veľmi znervózňujúce ticho kedy nerozoznáte či by vám najradšej zapchali pusu starým vechťom alebo chcú jednoducho zachytiť každý váš tón. Hrôza.
„Cross my heart
It's getting stronger
I can't wait much longer
You gotta stop running away.“
Na sekundu spanikárim, pretože si neviem spomenúť na ďalšiu strofu, ale ako náhle otvorím ústa, ide to samo. Trénovala som to hádam tisíc krát.
„Now haven't you had your fun
Is anything left undone?
Why can't we meet half way?“
Nutne sa potrebujem poškriabať na nose a nemôžem.
„When will you find out?
Now that the truth's out
This is more than a careless romance.“
Prehltnem bez dychu. »Je to viac ako bezduchá láska.« Tie slová mám z celej piesne najradšej, preto im venujem zvláštnu dávku nehy.
„Cross my heart
I wanna love you
How can I love
If you keep running away?
Cross my heart
It's getting stronger
I can't wait much longer
You gotta stop running away.“
Tak strašne túžim vidieť Michaelovu tvár! Odpadnem od zvedavosti! Pódium je v tme, možno by som sa neprepadla od hanby. Skúsim to?
„True love is never quite enough.
It's so unsure.“
Nasleduje posledná pasáž a bude koniec. Skončím a nikdy neuvidím na vlastné oči ako sa tváril, keď som preňho spievala.
„Is it what you're dreaming of?“ Odspievam, prekonám svoj strach a pomaličky si na stoličke presadnem tvárou k obecenstvu.
Je to... je to fascinujúci pocit.
Stovkám hláv s tvárami ponorenými v tme sa na pár okamihov zastavil svet a stredobodom pozornosti som len a len ja. Hneď začerstva si spomeniem na to čo mi raz Michael povedal. »Pri vystúpení sa nesmiem zamerať na konkrétneho človeka, rozptyľuje to.« Ja to však nedodržím, mňa rozptyľuje už samotné pomyslenie na jeho prítomnosť. A koniec koncov, je ťažké tú zásadu dodržať, keď je človek, pre ktorého spievate, ako jediný v dave vysvietený bodovým svetlom.
Vymeníme si pohľady.
Šokovaný, rozrušený a v rozpakoch je slabé slovo na opis. Dokonca si zložil slnečné okuliare, aby si overil či vidí dobre. Nadvihnem gurážne jedno obočie.
„Darling, it's time you let me in
Maybe tonight...
We can start again...“
Posledný tón ťahám čo najdlhšie až kým nezanikne v búrlivom potlesku. Celá sála je na nohách, aj ľudia v lóžach a na balkónoch. Nečakala som to, do poslednej chvíle som si nebola istá či môj hlas znie rovnako v ich ušiach ako v mojich. Neohrabane vstanem a zľahka sa ukloním. Líca mi horia od námahy a trémy, nohy v lodičkách sa mi pletú, no s obrovskou úľavou, že už to mám za sebou, vytasím širokánsky úsmev. Spotené pramene vlasov si prehodím dozadu, chcem znova nadviazať očné spojenie s Michaelom a popravde neviem čo mám robiť.
A vtedy sa to stane.
Reflexívne si k pravému boku pritlačím dlaň. Je to stotina sekundy. Niečo mi ostro prepichlo kožu, cez látku šiat presakuje teplá krv. Valí sa mi pomedzi prsty a steká po spodničke. Bolesťou sa mi zahmlieva zrak. Len čo sa ozvú prvé zhrozené výkriky, stačím to pochopiť.
Do tela sa mi zabodla guľka.  
Sklátim sa k zemi a stiahnem so sebou stoličku, ktorá sa prevráti. Rozpúta sa príšerná hystéria. Toho už ale svedkom nie som.


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CharlesEreni,9. 6. 2023 4:25


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StanleyIonip,6. 6. 2023 5:14

Step into the extraordinary realm of Jili Money, a revolutionary online gaming platform that transcends expectations and delivers an unparalleled experience to players around the globe. With its captivating game selection, cutting-edge features, and a cornucopia of lavish rewards, Jili Money has taken the gaming world by storm. In this article, we embark on a journey through the remarkable offerings of Jili Money, unveiling a world where gaming and extravagant rewards seamlessly intertwine.

Unveiling a Wonderland of Unmatched Gaming:
Jili Money showcases an awe-inspiring assortment of top games that promise endless entertainment and exhilaration. From the timeless classics to the latest innovative creations, Jili Money's game library caters to every taste and preference. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking visuals, immersive soundscapes, and seamless gameplay as you venture through a virtual wonderland where excitement knows no bounds.

A Gateway to Riches and Luxury:
Jili Money is renowned for its unrivaled rewards that elevate the gaming experience to extraordinary heights. As a testament to its commitment to players, Jili Money offers a myriad of opportunities to unlock riches and experience luxury like never before. From luxurious vacations and high-end gadgets to exclusive VIP experiences, Jili Money's reward program sets a new standard in the world of online gaming. With every spin, every wager, and every triumph, players have a chance to step into a world of opulence and indulgence.

Embark on a Journey of Opulent Bonuses:
Jili Money entices players with a plethora of extravagant bonuses that add an extra layer of thrill and anticipation to the gaming experience. Upon joining Jili Money, players are greeted with a lavish welcome bonus that sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure. Furthermore, the platform presents a treasure trove of daily, weekly, and monthly bonuses, ensuring that players are continuously pampered with rewards that surpass their wildest dreams. With Jili Money, every gaming session becomes an opportunity to uncover unimaginable riches.

Luxury Loyalty Program:
Jili Money believes in recognizing and rewarding loyalty, which is why it has curated a truly luxurious loyalty program for its esteemed players. As players embark on their gaming journey, they earn loyalty points that can be redeemed for exclusive perks, personalized experiences, and access to elite events. The more players engage with Jili Money, the greater the rewards they unlock, including lavish gifts, tailored promotions, and dedicated VIP support. Jili Money knows how to treat its loyal players like true VIPs.

Unforgettable Community Events:
Jili Money not only offers an immersive gaming experience but also fosters a vibrant and inclusive community. The platform hosts captivating community events where players can come together to celebrate their shared passion for gaming. These events offer the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, forge new friendships, and compete for exciting prizes. Jili Money's community events create an atmosphere of camaraderie, making the gaming journey all the more memorable and enjoyable.

Jili Money has redefined what it means to be an online gaming platform, introducing a world where gaming meets extravagant rewards and limitless possibilities. With its extraordinary game selection, opulent bonuses, and commitment to player satisfaction, Jili Money has become a beacon of luxury in the gaming industry. Brace yourself for an adventure like no other, where thrilling gameplay and indulgent rewards await at every turn. Join Jili Money today and embark on a journey to a virtual wonderland where gaming dreams come true.

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StanleyIonip,6. 6. 2023 4:41

In the vast landscape of online gaming, Jilibet has emerged as a trailblazer, captivating players with its unparalleled gaming experience, lucrative bonuses, and a dedication to customer satisfaction. This article invites you to embark on a unique and unforgettable journey through the enchanting realm of Jilibet, where gaming dreams become a reality.

A World of Endless Excitement:
Jilibet is not just another online gaming platform; it's a gateway to a world filled with endless excitement and thrilling adventures. From the moment you log in, you'll be greeted by a visually stunning interface that immerses you in a captivating gaming environment. The platform's intuitive design ensures that navigating through the vast array of games and features is a breeze, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: the thrill of the game.

Unparalleled Bonuses and Rewards:
Prepare to be dazzled by the generosity of Jilibet's bonuses and rewards. As a new player, you'll be greeted with a warm welcome in the form of a 200% bonus on your initial deposit. This means that you can instantly triple your playing power and explore a wide variety of games without any hesitation. But the excitement doesn't end there. Jilibet continues to spoil its players with regular promotions, cashbacks, and exclusive tournaments, ensuring that every gaming session is packed with surprises and the potential for massive wins.

Diverse Gaming Selection:
At Jilibet, diversity is the name of the game. The platform offers a comprehensive collection of games that cater to all types of players. Whether you're a fan of classic slots, table games, live dealer experiences, or progressive jackpots, Jilibet has something to satisfy your gaming cravings. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of slot games, where stunning visuals and immersive soundtracks transport you to different realms. Engage in strategic battles at the virtual tables or interact with live dealers for a truly authentic casino experience. The possibilities are endless, ensuring that boredom is never an option.

A Safe and Secure Gaming Environment:
Jilibet places a paramount emphasis on the safety and security of its players. Rigorous security measures, including state-of-the-art encryption technology, protect your personal and financial information, allowing you to play with peace of mind. The platform also promotes responsible gaming, providing tools and resources to help players maintain control over their gambling habits. Jilibet is committed to providing a fair and transparent gaming environment, adhering to strict regulatory standards and ensuring that every player has an equal chance of winning.

Customer Satisfaction at Its Core:
Jilibet's success lies in its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. The platform goes above and beyond to provide exceptional customer support, ensuring that every player's needs are met promptly and efficiently. Whether you have a question, encounter a technical issue, or need assistance with your account, Jilibet's dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you. Your satisfaction is their top priority.


Jilibet has revolutionized the online gaming industry with its captivating gaming experience, enticing bonuses, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. With its diverse selection of games, generous rewards, and commitment to player safety, Jilibet has become a top choice for gamers seeking the ultimate online gaming adventure. So, step into the world of Jilibet, unlock the thrill, and embark on an extraordinary journey where dreams are transformed into exhilarating realities

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ScottShike,5. 6. 2023 11:16

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StanleyIonip,5. 6. 2023 6:19

Live casino games have taken the online gambling industry by storm, providing players with an immersive and authentic gaming experience from the comfort of their homes. Evolution Gaming, a leading provider in the live casino sector, offers a wide range of thrilling games that cater to every player's preferences. In this article, we will explore the exhilarating world of live casino games, focusing on Evolution Gaming's Baccarat, Crazy Time, Roulette, Mega Ball, and Instant Roulette. Additionally, we will highlight the incredible bonuses and payouts offered by these games.

Evolution Gaming Live Baccarat Bonus:
Baccarat, a popular card game known for its elegance and simplicity, has gained a massive following in the live casino realm. Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat offers an exceptional gaming experience with its professional dealers, stunning visuals, and seamless gameplay. Additionally, players can enjoy a 100% welcome bonus, enhancing their chances of winning big. The game's best payouts and odds make it an attractive choice for both seasoned players and newcomers.

Crazy Time: A Whirlwind of Fun and Prizes:
If you're looking for a game that combines elements of a game show with the excitement of casino gaming, Crazy Time is the perfect choice. This Evolution Gaming creation offers a unique and immersive experience, complete with a lively host and a colorful game wheel. With its numerous bonus rounds and multipliers, Crazy Time provides players with endless opportunities to win substantial prizes. It's no wonder that Crazy Time has become a fan-favorite among online casino enthusiasts.

Roulette: Classic Elegance with a Modern Twist:
Roulette has been a staple in casinos for centuries, and Evolution Gaming has elevated this timeless game to new heights with their live version. The Evolution Gaming Live Roulette features multiple variations, including European, American, and French Roulette, each offering distinct rules and betting options. With its realistic graphics, interactive chat features, and high-definition streaming, players can enjoy the thrill of the roulette wheel from anywhere in the world.

Mega Ball: A Fusion of Bingo and Lottery:
Mega Ball combines the excitement of lottery draws with the social aspect of bingo, resulting in a unique live casino game. Players purchase cards with randomly assigned numbers, and as the host draws numbered balls, the goal is to match as many numbers as possible. With its innovative gameplay and the potential to win massive multipliers, Mega Ball guarantees an unforgettable gaming experience filled with anticipation and big wins.

Instant Roulette: Fast-Paced Action for Thrill-Seekers:
For players who prefer rapid gameplay and quick results, Instant Roulette delivers an adrenaline-fueled gaming experience. With multiple wheels spinning simultaneously, this Evolution Gaming creation offers non-stop action, allowing players to place bets on any of the available wheels at any time. The fast-paced nature of Instant Roulette ensures an exhilarating and dynamic gaming session that keeps players on the edge of their seats.

Evolution Gaming's Live Casino offers an impressive lineup of games that cater to every player's preferences. From the classic elegance of Baccarat and Roulette to the innovative and thrilling experiences of Crazy Time, Mega Ball, and Instant Roulette, there is something for everyone. With generous welcome bonuses, attractive payouts, and seamless gameplay, Evolution Gaming continues to push the boundaries of live casino gaming.


JosephBetShertSes,4. 6. 2023 21:38

Super Ace

EugeneAnott,4. 6. 2023 16:57

Get ready to embark on a spectacular casino adventure with Jili, where luck and excitement intertwine to create an unforgettable gaming experience. Jili is renowned for its innovative and immersive casino games that cater to players of all levels. From the captivating Golden Empire to the adrenaline-pumping Super Ace and the enchanting Fortune Gem, Jili offers a diverse range of games that are sure to thrill and entertain. Join us as we delve into the world of Jili and discover the secrets to unleashing your luck in this exhilarating casino journey.

Golden Empire: Discover the Realm of Riches and Majesty
Step into a realm of opulence and majesty with Golden Empire, a game that transports you to a world filled with untold treasures. With its striking graphics and enchanting soundtrack, Golden Empire immerses you in a captivating gaming experience. Venture deep into the kingdom and uncover hidden riches as you encounter mystical symbols, bonus features, and free spins. Let the chieftain guide you towards the path of prosperity in this mesmerizing slot game.

Super Ace: Soar to New Heights of Casino Thrills
Prepare to reach new heights of excitement with Super Ace, a game that takes your casino adventure to the next level. With its sleek design and dynamic gameplay, Super Ace offers a thrilling experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Test your skills and luck with a wide range of casino games, including classics like blackjack, roulette, and poker, as well as an extensive selection of immersive slot games. With its generous bonuses and promotions, Super Ace ensures that every spin holds the potential for incredible wins.

Fortune Gem: Unlock Limitless Wealth in a World of Precious Stones
Enter a world of shimmering gemstones and boundless wealth with Fortune Gem, a game that combines elegance and excitement in perfect harmony. The game's visually stunning design and captivating animations create an immersive experience that will leave you spellbound. Spin the reels and watch as the gemstones align, triggering bonus rounds, free spins, and multipliers. Fortune Gem offers a wealth of opportunities to uncover unimaginable riches and elevate your casino adventure to new heights.

iRich Bingo: Where Luck and Social Connection Collide
Experience the thrill of bingo like never before with iRich Bingo, a game that combines luck, strategy, and social interaction. Connect with players from around the world in a vibrant and engaging bingo community. Engage in friendly banter, participate in exciting chat games, and celebrate each win together. iRich Bingo offers a variety of bingo rooms, each with its unique theme and gameplay style. From traditional 75-ball and 90-ball games to speed bingo and progressive jackpots, iRich Bingo guarantees endless fun and the chance to strike it big.

Jili's spectacular casino adventure invites you to unleash your luck and embark on an extraordinary gaming journey. Whether you prefer the opulence of Golden Empire, the adrenaline rush of Super Ace, the enchantment of Fortune Gem, or the camaraderie of iRich Bingo, Jili has a game to suit every player's taste. With their immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and generous rewards, Jili's casino games promise an unforgettable experience filled with excitement, thrills, and the potential for life-changing wins. Join Jili's world of entertainment today and let your luck soar to new heights!

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StanleyIonip,2. 6. 2023 14:26

Prepare to be captivated by a new era of live casino gaming as Evolution Gaming takes center stage, revolutionizing the way we play and experience online casinos. With their unwavering commitment to innovation and exceptional game design, Evolution Gaming has set the benchmark for immersive and thrilling gameplay. In this article, we will explore the extraordinary features and gameplay of Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat, Crazy Time, Roulette, Mega Ball, and Instant Roulette, showcasing how they have elevated live casino entertainment to new heights, delivering unforgettable experiences to players worldwide.

Live Baccarat: Where Tradition Meets Technological Marvel

Step into the realm of elegance and excitement with Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat. From the moment you join the virtual table, you are immersed in the sophisticated world of high-stakes gaming. Experience the thrill of the squeeze as the cards are revealed, accompanied by seamless video streaming and multiple camera angles that capture every moment in stunning detail. With interactive features and the opportunity to claim a 100% Welcome Bonus, Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat ensures an immersive and rewarding experience for all players seeking the perfect blend of tradition and technological marvel.

Crazy Time: Unleashing a Whirlwind of Entertainment

Prepare for a mind-blowing adventure with Crazy Time, a game that transcends traditional casino boundaries and delivers an extraordinary entertainment spectacle. Evolution Gaming's Crazy Time combines game show elements with casino gaming, offering an immersive and unpredictable experience like no other. Engage with energetic hosts as you spin the larger-than-life Crazy Time wheel, unveiling thrilling bonus rounds and mind-boggling multipliers. With its vibrant visuals, captivating gameplay, and the potential for colossal wins, Crazy Time guarantees an adrenaline-fueled journey that will leave players in awe.

Roulette: Redefining the Wheel of Fortune

Evolution Gaming's Live Roulette breathes new life into the iconic casino game, creating an immersive and dynamic experience that captures the essence of the roulette wheel. Engage with professional dealers in real-time as you place your bets and witness the wheel spin in anticipation. The high-quality video streaming, customizable viewing options, and interactive chat features allow for an authentic and engaging gaming environment. Whether you prefer the classic European style or the thrill of American Roulette, Evolution Gaming's Live Roulette offers endless excitement and the chance to strike it lucky.

Mega Ball: Where Lottery and Bingo Collide

Prepare for a revolutionary gaming experience with Mega Ball, a game that seamlessly combines the excitement of lotteries with the communal spirit of bingo. Purchase your cards, cross your fingers, and watch as the Mega Ball machine draws numbered balls. Match as many numbers as possible, and hold your breath as multipliers are revealed, potentially leading to jaw-dropping wins. With its innovative gameplay, social interaction, and the thrill of chasing mega multipliers, Mega Ball creates a truly immersive and exhilarating gaming experience that captivates players of all backgrounds.

Instant Roulette: Fast-Paced Action, Endless Thrills

For players seeking instant action and non-stop excitement, Evolution Gaming's Instant Roulette delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience like no other. With multiple wheels spinning simultaneously, players have the freedom to place bets at their own pace, resulting in a seamless and exhilarating gaming session. The lightning-fast gameplay, intuitive interface, and the ability to switch between wheels in an instant ensure that Instant Roulette caters to the need for speed and offers an electrifying adventure for every player.

New moda

Antonioincag,1. 6. 2023 14:04

tải b52

Kevincrork,30. 5. 2023 15:03

B52 là một trò chơi đổi thưởng phổ biến, được cung cấp trên các nền tảng iOS và Android. Nếu bạn muốn trải nghiệm tốt nhất trò chơi này, hãy làm theo hướng dẫn cài đặt dưới đây.


Nhấn vào "Tải bản cài đặt" cho thiết bị Android của bạn.
Mở file APK vừa tải về trên điện thoại.
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Chọn "OK" và tiến hành cài đặt.

Nhấn vào "Tải bản cài đặt" dành cho iOS để tải trực tiếp.
Chọn "Mở", sau đó chọn "Cài đặt".
Truy cập vào "Cài đặt" trên iPhone, chọn "Cài đặt chung" - "Quản lý VPN & Thiết bị".
Chọn "Ứng dụng doanh nghiệp" hiển thị và sau đó chọn "Tin cậy..."
B52 là một trò chơi đổi thưởng đáng chơi và có uy tín. Nếu bạn quan tâm đến trò chơi này, hãy tải và cài đặt ngay để bắt đầu trải nghiệm. Chúc bạn chơi game vui vẻ và may mắn!

Come back

LucilleAcusy,27. 5. 2023 11:11

Come back

LucilleAcusy,27. 5. 2023 11:09